Rimworld out of steel
Rimworld out of steel

rimworld out of steel

The only one in the group you can trade with will be marked with a ‘Question mark’ symbol above their head. Using your colonist with the highest social skill, select them and right click on the trader of the group to commence trading efforts.

rimworld out of steel rimworld out of steel

Occasionally trading caravans will come through your colony looking to buy and sell items. The absolute easiest way of getting plasteel, like most other items, is to trade for it with other factions on the rim. This is a simple rinse and repeat method for finding an almost limitless supply of plasteel on the rim.Īcquiring Plasteel through trading Trading Caravans: Simply colonize a new area on the map, mine any plasteel you can find and return the caravan to your main base. There is an option in the settings which allows you to have multiple colonies.

rimworld out of steel

If you find that the area you have colonized doesn’t yield any plasteel after strip mining the entire area you can send colonist to different tiles on the map and have them create a new area there. To give yourself a a better chance of finding compacted plasteel be sure to choose the largest map size when generating a game world and colonize an area that has a mountainous area.Ī small vein of Jade ore which can be mined out of a mountain This method will rely on some element of luck as compacted plasteel is not always guaranteed to spawn on a generated map area. This is one of the easiest methods of getting plasteel and one of the simplest. Mining compacted plasteel from mountain deposits (Tip: You can click any of the subheadings above to jump straight to a certain part of the post) Underground mining using the deep drill.Disassembling fallen mechanoids at the machining table.Trading with other factions for silver or other items.Mining Compacted Plasteel from mountain deposits.There are 5 different ways to get plasteel in Rimworld including: We will discuss some of these options at the end, if you are still having difficulty finding plasteel. There are mods available on the Steam workshop that will change the game and create new, or easier methods of finding plasteel. This guide on plasteel will go into detail about how to find plasteel in the Vanilla game of Rimworld. That being said, if your colony is absolutely burning through the research trees you will find yourself in need of plasteel sooner rather than later on your playthrough.

Rimworld out of steel